Donate Today

Voice For The Animals is a 501c3, Tax ID #95-475-4776, which means your generous donation is tax deductible!


Donations can be made through credit/debit card transactions, which can be sent through the form below;  or personal checks, cashier’s checks, or money orders made payable to Voice For The Animals. All contributions are tax deductible, and you will receive an acknowledgment of your gift. Thank you for your life saving gift!


By Check:


Voice For The Animals

2633 Lincoln Blvd #202 Santa Monica, CA 90405


Help give animals a voice!

Clicking on the "Continue to PayPal" button will allow you to pay with a credit card

Monthly Donation


Pet Lover

Feeds an animal for one week

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Covers housing for an animal with special needs

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Guardian Angel

Vaccinates and spays/neuters one animal

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Covers medical costs & surgery for an animal in need

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Check out our Chewy Wishlist