To whom it may concern,
LA City has a law that mandates cats and dogs be microchipped so they can be reunited with their rightful owners. But LA Animal Services refused to follow the law and callously gave two of our cats away for FREE.
Marissa and Amber, 2 bonded cat sisters, were relinquished to the West LA Shelter. Their microchips confirmed they were owned by Voice For The Animals. However, though the chips were scanned, the West LA Shelter never contacted VFTA. By the time Found Animals (a non profit that monitors chips) alerted VFTA that the cats were turned in to this shelter, the West LA Shelter had already adopted Amber and Marissa out FOR FREE - never having contacted VFTA (the rightful owner).
Giving animals away FOR FREE is an open invitation for abuse. In addition, the adopters live in an area known for dog fighting and have ignored numerous calls and emails. Now LA Animal Services, at the advice of the City Attorney, refuses to take responsibility for giving away owned cats and are refusing to return them to us.
We are very concerned about the welfare of these cats.
We sign this letter and the petition to demand that LA Animal Services immediately return Amber and Marissa to Voice For The Animals, their rightful owner.