Live Animal Shipping

Do you know:


That live animals are routinely shipped through the post office. That most of these animals starve to death or suffocate, left for days at a time in mail processing centers. 

Here are the facts:

  • During just the past few weeks in Maine, over 4,800 chicks have died in shipping.

  • Millions of pounds of live chickens and turkeys are mailed each year but the USPS won’t give specific data.

  • Adult birds can be shipped if they weigh between 6 ounces and 25 pounds (25 pounds is about the size of a pelican).

  • Postal delays can cause animals to die from not just starvation but also dehydration and extreme temperatures.

  • There have been reports that postal workers could hear the heartbreaking sounds of baby chicks dying from inside packages. Legally, postal workers cannot open these packages and so they can only sit and listen to their cries.

Source: Washington Post, independent reports

“This practice of shipping live animals through the mail who end up dead before they arrive is too grim. We need an immediate moratorium until this issue can be resolved.” - Lily Tomlin

"All shipping of animals through the mail should be halted at least until the Federal Government stops the intentional disruption and destruction of the USPS. Live animals can’t be left to arrive a week late like envelopes and allowed to die a horrible death in the mail." Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Koretz


Congressmen Ted Lieu and Harley Rouda have called for a moratorium on all animal shipments until a thorough investigation can be carried out. Please join Paul Koretz and Lily Tomlin and sign the petition to stop this! Once we reach 5000 signatures we’ll send this to our congresspeople! Please share on your social media so people will know the truth!! 



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