Do You Know The Facts?

Animal Heroes

October 30, 2020

There are plenty of examples of animals saving humans yet we often forget how empathetic and brave animals can be. Too often our species dismisses them as “just animals” and does not recognize that they are in fact living, conscious beings who feel deeply just as we do.

These are just a few examples of many...

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Palisadian Post: Palisadian Dr. Mao Shing Ni Launches Herbal Pet Care Line

October 23, 2020

Palisadian Dr. Mao Shing Ni is looking to fill a gap in treating pets with a set of remedies based off of traditional Chinese medicine by collaborating with Voice For The Animals and launching Herbal Pet Care...

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Black Cats Are Lucky!

October 19, 2020

In Europe, during the middle ages, superstitions surrounded black cats and gave birth to myths we still see today. Their common association with witches and black magic can be traced back to these beliefs, yet historically, black cats have more often than not been a sign of good omens. 

The English have called them a blessing for marriages and believed they offer protection to sailors caught in rough seas. In Japan, black cats are a sign of wealth and prosperity.

For stage directors, seeing a black cat in your theater on opening night meant your play would have a long, successful run. In ancient Egypt, black cats were revered and believed to represent Bastet, Goddess of fertility, and childbirth...

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Rodenticides banned in California!

October 18, 2020

California is now the first state to ban highly toxic rat poisons that have been responsible for a number of wildlife poisonings.  “Rodenticides are deadly for California’s mountain lions and other precious wildlife across the state,” Governor Gavin Newsom said.

The underregulated use of these toxic chemicals allowed them to work their way through the food chain. When the poison is ingested by a rat, that rat may be alive for several more days during which time it is likely to be hunted by predators. Owls and coyotes that prey on these rats now have the poisons in their systems. When these sick animals are eaten by even larger predators like the endangered bobcat, they can be lethally toxic...

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Sign Moratorium On Live Animal Shipping

October 12, 2020

That live animals are routinely shipped through the post office. That most of these animals starve to death or suffocate, left for days at a time in mail processing centers. 

Here are the facts:

  • During just the past few weeks in Maine, over 4,800 chicks have died in shipping.

  • Millions of pounds of live chickens and turkeys are mailed each year but the USPS won’t give specific data.....

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